Home Wifi Alert Pro v10.9 Apk

Home Wifi Alert Pro v10.9 Apk adalah sebuah aplikasi android gratis yang dapat anda gunakan untuk melihat orang-orang yang terhubung dengan jaringan wifi anda dan melakukan block koneksi terhadap seseorang yang menggunakan jaringan wifi anda secara ilegal. Kini tidak perlu lagi komputer untuk melihat koneksi di jaringan wifi anda dan melakukan blok akses internet terhadap orang-orang yang mencuri koneksi internet anda melalui wifi. Cukup dengan menginstal aplikasi Home Wifi Alert Pro Apk ini ke hp android anda, dan anda dapat melakukan semua itu hanya dari hp android.
Kami membagikan versi Pro dari aplikasi Home Wifi Alert Pro Apk ini dengan gratis, jadi anda dapat menggunakan fitur blok akses internet dan beberapa fitur premium lainnya yang tidak akan dapatkan di versi free di playstore. Jadi tunggu apalagi, segera anda download dan instal aplikasi Home Wifi Alert Pro Apk ini untuk mengamankan koneksi wifi di rumah anda.
AD Free
  • Home Wifi Alert is one of the best Wifi analyzer/network analyzer apps you will find on Google Play. We all
  • Know that wifi theft is more than a common annoyance, it may be slowing down your connection speed and
  • Costing you money! Don’t let your neighbors steal your Wifi, use Home Wifi Alert! The app acts like a Wifi
  • Analyzer and Wifi scanner. The powerful tools works on your mobile devices.
App features and pages
  • Scan page: Displays IP address, MAC address, Display name, and allows you to put image for each device.
    WiFi Strength page: Give you the db of your WiFi signal strength
  • AP Scan page: Displays all router Access Points in range to you, what their MAC address are, channel they are using, and their db signal strength. You can also, click and log onto each AP from here.
  • AP Graph: Displays the same data as the AP Scan page, but in a graphical form. You can also, click and log onto each AP from here.
  • TCP Connections page: Displays ALL connections that are made to your device. It displays established foreign connections, listening IP, and closed connections.
  • Whois page: If you click on one of the established connections from the TCP Connection page, you will get the whois data from it. Example data:
  • Hostname, ASN, ISP, Organization, service, continent, country, and a MAP.
  • Ping: Allows pinging with IP address or FQDN
  • Traceroute: Allows traceroute with IP address or FQDN
Block Feature
  • Brings you to the router web admin interface. From here, enter the user name and password then navigate to
  • The WiFi settings. Here you will find MAC filter table, where you will be able to add MAC address you want to
  • Block from the network.
What’s in this version
  • 505 Error fixed
  • Admob skd taken out
  • Addd AP Time chart (still working on it)
How to install
  1. Save the downloaded .apk on your android phone’s SD card
  2. Run and install it
  3. That’s it,Enjoy

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